With fabulous appraisals and formidable commitment, Kitchen Kraft Catering Company stands in confidence as one of the top catering companies across the country and abroad. Providing scrupulous and undivided attention to detail, freshness, authenticity, taste and an extremely conscientious customer service has always been our utmost priority. We are sending a culinary algorithm called the Pre-Plated Food Experience through the veins of the industry. Taking leverage of the Chef Talwar’s expertise in the culinary arts, we have built a business that works with you and caters to your exact needs. We create the market for fine dining as Kitchen Kraft is not just one man’s dream, but a dream come true.

The owner

Countless have attempted to fuse the traditional with the gourmet but only a finite few come to the occasion. One such gastronome is Chef Karann Talwar, with countless accolades and a plethora of enlightening experiences under his denomination has schemes for you to luxuriate in. Having collaborated with leading hotel chains like ITC, Taj, Oberoi, Hyatt, Carnival Cruise (USA), Seabourn Luxury (USA) his expertise in hospitality is grandiose and his work ethic, impeccable. His precocious vision has been implanted across the globe from London to the Bahamas, including Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, and the USA. His ambitious manoeuvring of stylized techniques and his range of extravagantly flavourful and meticulous recipes have successfully put him on the map. What beats that is his passion to bring not only a taste to savour but an experience that lingers long after everything else fades. Chef Talwar possesses a compendium of recipes that have been beautifully handcrafted with fusion and haute cuisines for over a decade, that will leave you inquisitive and influenced for just a fleeting minute before it fades leaving you tranquil and wanting another.


The backbone of Kitchen Kraft is indeed its incomparable workforce that is as diverse as it is efficient. Each person under our management shares the ideals of warm hospitality, undying attention to detail and a sense of community. Our main goal is to keep your wishes on the top of our list, while we execute it to perfection with a formidable sense of understanding and passion. The love for what we do and have to offer has led us to this moment and will hopefully lead us to new and wider horizons. With the assistance of such a dedicated and competent team of professionals and more than 70 years of combined experience, Kitchen Kraft can ornament these momentous times of your life with style, panache and luxury. From a Gala to a Soiree, we intend to make it an event worth reminiscing over.